Monday, April 27, 2009

Did You Grow Up In A Barn?

Who in the right mind with any mannors at all thinks that it is okay to look at a baby who is being worn by her proud mother and say "Wow look at your big ears". Seriously? And then they act surprised when you snap back with "Wow didn't your mother teach you manors"?

Obviously she was a young girl who has no kids and has no idea the rage a mother will come with when messing with her young. Seriously it is NOT okay.

Company Never Fails To Be Bright

Friday was a beautiful day, my meds were working, the whether was beyond beautiful and we had company coming over to boot. This is what life is supposed to be, playing outside with your kids, grilling, friends gathering with their kids, great conversations, late night games that make you pee yourself and a few drinks.

This is what I live for, this is how I pictured my life as a little girl no worries, no stress or at least what we have is forgotten for that small amount of time. The kids were so tired they went to bed dirty(that was the best when I was a kid) they played hard and long all day and got much vitamin D couldn't ask for more.

Our Friends are a wonderful couple who have children the same age as Kaleb and Ellie. Guys talk about their things and we moms talk about children and plotting and escape from the men and children at some point in out lives, of course we would hope for sooner then later but lets face it when the children are young momma is needed or daddy goes nuts.

I have a tendency to think every weekend should be like that and of course Mike thinks differently but that one day left me in a decent mood for the next few days. So why not?

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Just Purging

The 13th is coming up fast, its the horrid day I lost my grandmother and I'm not ready for it I'm just plain not ready to deal with this. My depression is a lot harder to kick this time around and I'm having an awful time 99% of the time. Seriously what is the point? Every time I leave the house I feel like I run into every dumb damn person in the few hours I'm out and I just hate leaving now. Where is the common sense people are supposed to have? Its everyone for themselves and I hate it. My in laws are quite a piece of work, my dad bless his heart is trying to keep me half way sane and my husband is doing quite well but has his moments where I figured he would where he just doesn't want to deal with me and my moods. I can't blame him I would want to deal with me either honestly.

I try very hard to be a good person, help others be there for others and yet I feel like I'm worthless, its all pointless and I'm just bothering everyone one involved. People don't need this, I'm just another problem on the list so wouldn't it better if I wasn't?