Saturday, April 4, 2009

Just Purging

The 13th is coming up fast, its the horrid day I lost my grandmother and I'm not ready for it I'm just plain not ready to deal with this. My depression is a lot harder to kick this time around and I'm having an awful time 99% of the time. Seriously what is the point? Every time I leave the house I feel like I run into every dumb damn person in the few hours I'm out and I just hate leaving now. Where is the common sense people are supposed to have? Its everyone for themselves and I hate it. My in laws are quite a piece of work, my dad bless his heart is trying to keep me half way sane and my husband is doing quite well but has his moments where I figured he would where he just doesn't want to deal with me and my moods. I can't blame him I would want to deal with me either honestly.

I try very hard to be a good person, help others be there for others and yet I feel like I'm worthless, its all pointless and I'm just bothering everyone one involved. People don't need this, I'm just another problem on the list so wouldn't it better if I wasn't?

1 comment:

Zoe said...

omg you had better stop it before i kick your ass.