Sunday, December 20, 2009


Completely broken, my faith and trust in people is gone and unrepairable for the time being. Opening myself up is not an option any longer you have stripped that away from me.

Those who are supposed to trust me go on to believe others before me when I have nothing to lie about or hide. You ask and I tell, but yet you choose to believe what others are saying over me. Go ahead and see how far that gets you.

People want to know why I'm so cold and this is EXACTLY the reason. I'm left with nothing, if it weren't for my precious children it would be time for me to go Home. As of now I'm lucky to have the strength to live for my children.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Between the last two posts, maybe what you need to do is think less. And most likely it would help if you got a grip and pressed on like everyone else for whom life has been hard. Sometimes it's about "getting over ourselves"! Life is hard but constantly feeling sorry for ourselves makes it much harder. And people are not all or always trustworthy, look for other traits..make it less difficult.