Thursday, January 15, 2009

Couldn't Ask For More

As I put the kids to bed tonight, I sit and listen by myself( Mike is at a friends house ) to my two beautiful, loving little boys who may fight every once in a while yell back and fourth to each other as their nightly routine. It starts usually with Kaleb and it goes something like this......

Kaleb: Ondee(Andre)

Andre: What

Kaleb: I Wove U

Andre: I love you too

Long pause

Kaleb: Ondee, knock, knock

Andre:Who is there

Kaleb: Papa or whoever comes to mind at the moment

Then it is Andre's turn for Knock, Knock. If Kaleb is upset about something it goes something like this........

Andre: Kaleb your alright, don't cry, we can play together tomorrow

Kaleb: sobbing "K"

Kaleb: Ondee

Andre: What?

Kaleb: I Wove U

Then we proceed to Knock, Knock. This will go on for a few mins sometimes its back and fourth of exchanges of "Night nights" and "I love yous" instead, but its always something. I know that growing up there will be times where they don't get along and don't want to be seen together but I pray that they will always have this same love for each other.

I remember being pregnant for Kaleb and thinking "Oh my God what have I done? Andre won't be loved as much" and so on, most moms know where I'm coming from on this. And most moms who had two or more kids told me I was giving Andre the best gift ever. I thought they were nuts, siblings don't get along they barley even like each other these days but you know what? I was wrong. These two love each other more then I could have ever asked for. They are each others best friends and while that may change in their eyes it won't when it matters.

As a mom I know I've made mistakes, and I'll continue to make them as that is what teaches us but I'm very proud of my boys as I listen to how they interact in quiet moments like this.


Zoe said...

lol. friday peyton drew cade a pic and a note that said "i love you cade'. i bawled. then he stuffed cades head in the toilet. *sigh*

Anonymous said...

that's great. i wish my kids bedrooms were closer :(