Thursday, November 29, 2007

"Toast In My Eye"

Ah for the love of children. Last night as Mike and I were sitting watching "Till Death" the first scene showed the man bitting down on a peice of toast which so happened to have a peice fly off and hit him in the eye. Yes it was funny and even Andre laughed so as the night goes on and the boys get put to bed my conversation with Andre goes as followed.

Andre:"I have to go potty"
Me:"Okay go"
Andre"Okay I'm done, come close the door and give me a kiss please"
Andre:(rubbing his eyes)"Mom, I have toast in my eye"
Me:(trying hard not to laugh)"I don't think you do but let me check, nope just a finger"

How wonderful it is to have small children to pick everything up and use it to stall bedtime, make you laugh and bless your night!


kathy jean said...

Hi Jessica Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm happy to have heard from you, and to see what you've done so far on your site.

I just love little people, when they start putting their world together with words and try to tell you about it. You're right-joy is there, and we need to grab it and hold onto all of those moments.

I will check in again. Take care of yourself and your family.

Kathy Jean

NH Yocal said...

Too funny, they learn so quick!