Wednesday, December 3, 2008


It's hard to believe that she is 6 weeks old tomorrow. Where has the time gone? I'm sure it passed somewhere in the haze of late night feedings and crying matches between her and I but I sure don't remember 6 whole weeks flying by. She is everything and more that I imagined and truly a blessing(when she is not screaming at 4 in the morning) no really she is such a blessing.

Recovery has been rough for me, so rough that I would have ran back to my docs for him to tie my tubes had I not done it while on the table having her. This recovery is not something I would wish on anyone but I'm surviving, what else can you do right?

The boys are doing well with her except they won't leave her alone, that's good right? At least they love her to pieces now!

Mike is doing well with her too, she loves to sit with him. If I can't get her calm all I have to do is hand her over and what ever problem she had was gone cause daddy is there. Grrrr, oh I mean I'm happy about that LOL.

Hope everyone had a happy Thanksgiving we did and we are excited for Christmas! Off I go, its time to milk the cow ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh!! 6 weeks already!!! She is sooo adorable!