Monday, June 16, 2008

Almost Half Way Done

I can't believe it, this pregnancy is almost half way done already, where did the time go? Can't wait to meet Ellie but I've learned from the other two she can stay put as long as she needs to as much as I want to meet her, I'm in no hurry! Besides that gives Kaleb a bit more time as well to still be the baby.

It's hard looking at him with his still babyish face and knowing he won't be the baby much longer. He still loves his momma time and can't stand when someone gets in the way of that. I hate to take that away from him too since I'll admit I still need my Kaleb cuddle time.

Andre is adjusting well to Kaleb and will be in school for the most part of Ellie's new days so I don't foresee much of an issue with him and he still gets his special time before bed with both daddy and I.

It's hard to imagine adding another one to the mix right now even though it's already happening especially with it being a girl, my gosh what do I do with a girl? The boys seem so easy, cut and dry and having a girl scares me. I've heard some scary stories from those who have both and I just pray that Ellie is milid compared to some of the things I've heard LOL. I'm sure we will be fine and we will navigate our way with her just like we have the boys but never the less the unknown is still scary.

1 comment:

One of the Bunch said...

Sweetie, I'm so excited for you!!

You will do just fine with a girl. I just know it!!

Just need to keep the hose covered incase of accidental discharge. *wink*

I'll pray for a uneventful remainder of your pregnancy!