Friday, October 17, 2008

Can't Wait Till It Is Over

You may think I'm talking about the pregnancy but this actually has nothing to do with the pregnancy, it has to do with Presidential Election. I'm pretty sure, I'm not the only one who feels this way but at this point it starts to get ugly and people start voicing their opinion thinking it is the only one that matters.

This is where I start to have a problem. To me you can never like EVERYTHING one person has to say and totally agree with them 100% because really it is NOT realistic. I have chosen who I'm voting for and it will stay private mainly because well I have that right and frankly I don't need to hear the opposing team tell me I'm wrong for this, that, or the other. I DO NOT agree with everything he stands for, but I do agree with him more then I agree with the other and I think he brings more to the table for this country. I am also not for one side or the other I like who I like and that is that.

I find it hard to believe that some find it so black vs. white so to speak on different subjects when really there is a WHOLE lot of grey area that needs to be addressed. These days there is always an exception to the rule, a side that may turn the tables so how anyone can be one sided on some issues or every issue is beyond me.


One of the Bunch said...

I agree wholeheartedly, Jess. I too feel one particular person has alot to offer, at least more than the opposing running mate.

I hope your doing well. I'm thinking of you!


Anonymous said...

i'm tired of all of the attack ads but i'm still torn. i know it's cutting it close. i'm leaning more towards one than the other but still have more research to do.

One of the Bunch said...

Congratulations Jess!!! Miss Ellie is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!

What are her stats?

How are you?

Love you all,