Monday, February 9, 2009

Small Blessings

There are things every day such as a blanket, a figurine, an animal, a rainbow, a smell or something else close to you that makes you remember a time, a place, or a special person. When you come across those things and you are remembered it usually puts a smile on your face as you go back in time for just a quick second and have a flash of fond memories.

Since we moved into our house I've been wanting some birdseed in hopes to get that one thing to bless my day and make me feel as though my Grandmother is still with me some how. My mother in law dropped some off to us this weekend and it took a few days for the birds to catch on that there was food there but finally they have. I was pleased this morning as I sat in my chair watching out the window to see Blue Jay's and Finches and even a Woodpecker and then they came. A male and female beautiful as they are, pecking the seeds as though they were grateful to even find food, beautiful Cardinals. The male bright red and the female a dull grey and red. It made me smile thinking of my Grandmother, she would have been so excited to see them herself they were her favorite.

Small blessings is all it takes to make someones day, mine has sure been made and my troubles forgotten for just a few seconds the world was right.

What bless's your days?


1 comment:

Zoe said...

friends who pick up milk and soda...even when i'm scary looking.