Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Andre's Song For Wednesday

Old McDonald had a farm ei ei ooooo
Old McDonald had a Kaleb ei ei oooo
with a wahhhhh wahhh here
Old McDonald had a farm ei ei oooo

Yep thats what Andre came home singing today from school. Brothers are awesome! All the while singing this in the kitchen Kaleb is yelling what sounds like Hey and trying to pull at his brother. I can only imagine what it will be like when they can both talk back and forth to each other.


kathy jean said...

Kaleb: Hey!! Stop it!!!


Andre: Wah, Wah Here, Wah Wah there.....

Kaleb, pushing Andre: Stop it!!! Moooommmmm!!!

Andre, laughing: Wah, Wah...

Kaleb: And on his farm he had a pig eieio

And that pig's name is Andre....

Andre: HEY!!! MOOOMMMMM.....

Yup. Imagine...

Zoe said...

see he wasn't whining!!!