Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The Days Pass

It seems so wrong to continue on without you. I know that life will continue and I know your here but I haven't figured out that its okay to allow joy back in. I miss you so and it seems so wrong to enjoy anything while I'm hurting for you.

The memories are what I have left and I pray to God that thoes will never fade and years from now I can recite your stories to my children as if you were right there telling me those same stories all over again. You know the ones I always asked you to tell me when it was just you and I on spring break? Those are so special to me and those times mean so much to me.

Having you there to raise me ment so much, you love, your words, your hugs, your time and best of all your beautiful smile; the smile you gave me as we spoke for the last time on the 3rd floor of the hospital. I kept telling you how good it was to be able to talk with you again and hear your quiet voice. It was a very short visit due to Andre being sick and I'm so sorry for that. I wanted so bad to be able to sit and talk with you more.

I'm sorry I never told you how I felt before. There were many times when I thought to myself I should tell you how much you ment to me but the words never came out right. What I would give to have you before me for just enough time to tell you. In God's time that will happen I know and until then I hope your listening every night before I go to bed.

I hope your journey was short and you were able to walk with Him and enjoy Him for as much time as you needed. You deserve to be with the Lord, your an Angel now but you sure were and Angel here on earth thats for sure. I love you.


One of the Bunch said...

Thinking of you, sweetie. And yes, she hears your every last word.

Love you,

Zoe said...

hope that you are doing well. my day trip saturday was canceled. so i am open!