Saturday, April 12, 2008

Dear Grandma

I pray you go in peace, and see all those waiting for you that love you. I don't know who you were talking about being in the room with you that was "watching over you" but I like to think that's the Angel waiting to take you Home. As we sat with you today all three of us smelled smoke and we all agree that Grandpa is there with us waiting for you to let go and come with him.

You are a beautiful person with a wonderful heart. You have given so much of yourself that you are and Angel on earth. You may not have birthed me but you were my mother be every other meaning. You made me feel special when my own mother made me feel like I was nothing.

Thank you for teaching me to tie my shoes and sitting with my watching the cars go by waiting for dad to come home. Thank you for keeping me every spring break and come up early to see my dance recitals and leaving late to stay for my birthday. Thank you for picking flowers and veggies with me out of the garden and allowing me to eat them as soon as I picked them. Thank you for making mud pies with me and swinging on the swing set and walking on the beach looking for shells and sand dollars. I'll never forget the amount of money you could find in the parking lot or the firm but loving voice you used when I needed it. The candy and gum you used to keep in your purse always seemed like it was there just for me.

You have played a HUGE part in my life and for that I will always be grateful. You cried with me when I lost my first child as though you were losing it too. I never told you how much that meant to me. The first maternity shirt, the baby blanket, the photo album and the crib are all things that a price can't be put on for the fact that you bought them and you accepted me when it felt like the world was against me.

I love you and I know that you will be with me through the rest of my journey, though it will be different I will still turn to you when I need you the most. Thank you so much.


Zoe said...

thanks. you made me cry. how is grandma?

kathy jean said...

May you always have your memories, to bring a smile, or just a moment...

Hugs, Kathy

One of the Bunch said...

Pure Love! She will always be with you, every step of the way. I pray her journey on this side of Heaven has a peaceful ending. While it hurts being left behind, take comfort in knowing that the wisdom she has instilled in you, the memories you have created together, the bond you share, and the love you feel from her will be everlasting. I'm thinking of you tonight. Please call if you need anything, anytime! I remember going through losing someone so near and dear to my heart. You were there to help me through. Your love, your support, your friendship have always been something I treasure. Go in peace Grandma. You will be met by all of those that are waiting for you on the other side. Thinking of you all and sending my love.