Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Week 9

Hm well the weeks sure have seem to move along, I know I missed last week but well it just wasn't a good week. Morning sickness is off and on and when its on it sure is on. As you seen in the last few posts the u/s went well, the beautiful heartbeat showed up plain as day. I think the big sigh I let out went at the same time as Mike's did. He was a bit disapointed as he was hoping for twins but I'm thankful LOL. After the pg I had with Kaleb I'm hoping for an easy one this time around.


Speaking of Kaleb, this poor guy can't catch a break in the sickness area. He started with the 24 hr flu and now he is sneezing with a temp at night of 103. During the day he seems to be full of spirits once the fever breaks but until then he is cuddly and sleepy. Hopefully it passes soon, and as the weather gets warmer I pray the bugs find there way out.

1 comment:

Zoe said...

hope he is better! for gods sake put a biohazard sticker on your door.