Thursday, April 3, 2008

A Path

I'm trying to find a path for myself and I seem to stumble quite a bit. I've noticed that life is/has been a long winding path with bumps, stumbles, boulders, forks and dips and though I thought I was doing well I seemed to have stumbled again.

I pray, for my friends, family, those that I don't even know and those that may come into my life and myself. I do believe that through rough times or times of stumbling prayer and faith will get you through to the better, brighter times. Though life seems to be going okay for the most part I always seem to falter in the friendship area and this is something I've never been able to figure out. I have wonderful friends, friends that have been there for me through thick and thin. Friends that have been there for me through the thick of 25 years, but I feel as though I falter. I would love to be close with more people, I would love to see the friends for dinner on a regular basis and yet I stumble.

I've always been the person who makes her friends her family since I don't really have any siblings and yet I feel as though I don't even have time for family anymore. I guess that most of that is falter on my part for not making the effort but I'm truly bothered by this.

This path has been long, heavy traveled, tiring, winding, confusing and yet wonderful at times. I will continue to pray about this, I'm just tired.

1 comment:

Zoe said...

your too hard on yourself.