Tuesday, August 12, 2008

My Dear Andre

I know this week has been hard for you just like it has on everyone else, actually I know its been more hard on you being only 4 and not understanding fully why mommy is gone. You've done so well at having fun with your grandparents and dealing with me being gone but I know its taking a toll on you. I can hear in your voice now when I talk to you that your missing me and missing the "normalicy" of our life. Please honey bare with me for a bit longer and mommy will be home to cuddle you when your not feeling well and coax you through the hard times.

I love you so much and you've done so well for being put in the situation that your in. Being bounced from place to place has never been easy on you but your doing well and I promise I will do my best to make it up to you when I get home. Dry your tears, your daddy loves you too and know that I cry for you every night. Your such a good big brother!


One of the Bunch said...

Andre hears your love radiate through the phone. He feels the hugs, kisses, and cuddles that you desperately want to give him. He will be okay, just as you. I pray tomorrow brings good news and that the two (four) of you may be reunited once again.

Love you,

Anonymous said...

Aw poor Andre. I'm sure he knows mommy loves him and that you will be home soon!