Monday, December 3, 2007

Christmas Crunch

It is now the holiday season which means beautiful lights, cheerful voices singing to praise the Lord, with any luck beautiful, white, fluffy snow to cover the ground, trees and houses.

In my case this also means crunching for money and praying that we can provide our children with a happy chirstmas. We don't buy a lot but we like to have the tree and a few things to give each other and the kids, but this year I'm not really sure that we can provide that. This causes stress with the both of us and between the two of us. We are trying to stay positive and keep each other calm and focused though sometimes it gets the best of us.

You see at this point we are barley and I do mean barley keeping a roof over our heads and heat in the house. We are behind on other bills and I have no idea how we will pay them from one day to the next. By the grace of God and my mom we were able to buy food for the kids and diapers and wipes. By the grace of God we will get through this, we always do but thats not to say its not stressful.

So I ask of you if anyone is reading this and you believe in God please keep us in your thoughts and prayers that we can provide our children with somewhat of a christmas. Thats all I'm worried about I could care less about myself and husband I just want to give a christmas that they and deserve.

1 comment:

Zoe said...

i'm so there with ya.