Thursday, July 24, 2008

Just Another Day

These days seem to run the same anymore. Run my butt off and then fall into bed with exhaustion only to sleep like crap and do it all again the next day. The next month will be no different with moving and such, getting things ready for Ellie comes after that and well nothing has changed since the last time I posted about stuff with her LOL.

One day at a time, but they seem to come and go so quickly. Andre was in not so rare form today, I amaze myself at how calm I can keep because inside I'm boiling when he pulls the things he does. Anyway, he had his 4 yr check up today. Everything looks good with him, he is in the 90% for height and 40% for weight. Oh and WIC still tells me he is fat :rolls eyes: LOL. He weighs 38.6 lbs and is 42 inches tall. No wonder people think he is older then he really is.

He did get a shot today only because I'm a mean mom and opted for it. He could have waited a year for his second chicken pox shot but since he is starting school this sept I wanted to make sure I did everything in my power to keep him at least somewhat healthy especially with Kaleb in the house and a newborn. And he already needs shots next year to start Kindergarten so that is one less that he will have to have at that time. I only allow 3 pokes in one visit anyway.

Kaleb the stinker he is did pretty well today until he got tired and that was all she wrote. I can't complain though you give the kid a cup of milk and he is good to go for a little while longer.

Off to watch my show check back in tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

O M G!! Don't ya just want to slap those "ladies" at WIC when they tell you your kid is fat and you should "probably" (while looking at you like you are the devil) change to 1% or skim milk!! Ugh!! I titally forgot you guys are moving!! Good luck!