Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Time To Move On

As much as I don't want to, it is that time to walk out of the door that is closing and walk into the next one that opens. It is hard, leaving the people that I've come to know, love, lean on, cherish, and adore but everything has it's time and now it's mine.

Thank you to those who have blessed my life, I've learned and grown so much in the last 3 yrs it truly has been a blessing. A blessing that will never be forgotten. I know I will keep in touch with some of you and for that I'm thankful.

The support and the love that I have felt has been wonderful especially in the hardest of my times. I never expected it to end like this in a million years but for one reason or another it has and I'm positive there is a lesson behind it.......there always is.

So with having said that, thank you all again it's been three years that will never be forgotten. WARM HUGS!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said... are an amazing woman inside and out and I admire you in so many ways! Just remember when God closes one door he opens another! You keep your head up and know that there are people out there that need you and you have touched many peoples lifes including mine....I love you and will always hold you close to my heart..xoxoxoxo Joy~