Monday, September 1, 2008


Thats how old I am today well at 11:58 pm that is. Isn't it funny how when we are kids our birthdays are made a big deal out of and as we get older it seems the only "big" ones are 21 and 40. Why is that? For the past 5 years I've either been pregnant, just lost one, or just had one so there has been no big bash for me LOL. My 21st birthday was celebrated by my dad and my stepmom taking my husband and I out for drinks and ended with me asking to go home because I was in pain from my D&C, my 22nd was celebrated with a baby who was a month and a half old and my husband and I got to go to dinner and I was spoiled that year, I'll admit it. Since then its been a card and a call from the parents "oh by the way happy birthday, how old are you again?" Umm thanks and its nice to know that you almost forgot and you DID forget how old I was. I'm sure some day I'll be in the same position but can I just say now that it doesn't feel all that great.

There isn't much to do when your supposed to be on bedrest I guess, but at some point I think everyone wants to be remembered and celebrated that they make a difference in someone's life right? I really hope that I don't turn into my parents and forget my childrens birthdays and get out of the habit of making them feel special, after all their birth is more of a celebration to me then it is to them.

So for everyone that might read this who's birthday was today or any day for that matter where you felt unimportant I'm sorry its not a good feeling and I'm sure people don't do it on purpose. You are special to someone even if they don't know it yet, so keep your head up and be proud that you were here to celebrate your birth if only by yourself.


One of the Bunch said...

Dear Jess,

You, my friend, are one of the most special people I know! I'm sorry you were hurting today. I had this scheduled for your 11:58PM BIRTHDAY but thought I'd drop it here too. LOVE you...

Twenty six years, amazing. You have so many more years of experiences wrapped up inside that beautiful person that you are. Years of joys and sorrows. Years of ups and downs. And years of memories!

My admiration grows stronger by the day for you. You've grown up to be an amazing woman, friend, mother and wife. I am blessed to have you in my life. Who would have known so many years ago that once one tie was severed, we would still be dear friends years later.

Happy Birthday Sweetie!
I love you!

Anonymous said...

Happy belated birthday Jess!!

Anonymous said...

Happy B day bear....xoxo love u joy~