Saturday, January 19, 2008

God DOES listen.

We got some wonderful news today, that we have been praying for, for the last two or more years. Mike's grandma called today from Florida and has asked us to take over their house in Michigan Center. We would be paying less then what we are now in our apartment and the bills would stay about the same with the exception of no water bill!

This means so much to us, their house has been in the family for years and my husband wanted it so bad, it means our own place and a fenced yard for our kids to play in! It has enough room for all of us plus a guest room and a play room! We have continued to pray for this and our prayers are being answered.

We have been looking for a house for a long time now and we just haven't found "the one", I kept saying that God will provide when it is time and I truly believe that. We couldn't find "the one" because it was already in front of us we just had to wait for God to tell us it was time. Just goes to show who is really in charge of your life huh?

So in April when they come back up we will be moving then, until that point I will continue to pray that this will all work out and be right for us. As for now I'm off to bed right after I finish my thoughts and prayers. Good night and God Bless.

1 comment:

Zoe said...

we'll be neighbors!