Sunday, January 6, 2008

Rockin Robin

Or rather rockin Kaleb as it may be! This child doesn't stop rocking himself. Zoe thinks I'm nuts but she has yet to see him LOL. Seriously we had went to Old Country Buffet(YUCK)for a family get together and the whole hour we were there the kid didn't stop rocking in his highchair but once for maybe a minute and that's when I noted he had been rocking the whole time.

Like I told Zoe, I talked to our doctor about this worried that it may be a sign of Autism but like he noted he has no other signs and isn't really worried about it. Well to be honest he laughed at me in a nice way LOL. I'm not so much worried about it now as I just don't know why he needs the stimulation LOL. I would think he would get dizzy or sea sick. Of course my lovely husband says to me " I wonder that about you all the time as much as you rocked these kids and your self at night in bed". Tis true my dad rocked me for a loooooooong time before bed like until I was 12 or something, no joke and no its not gross it was father daughter time. So at night when I can't sleep or something is really bothering me I rock myself to sleep. I rocked Andre till he was 6 months then he learned to put himself to sleep but that didn't stop me from rocking him during the day which I still do and before bed while we read books. Now its the same with Kaleb though he was an easier child to put to bed.

So I wonder now if all the rocking I did with Andre before Kaleb was born had an effect on him and he just loves the motion and stimulation?

1 comment:

Zoe said...

dear god. stop it.