Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Today was a long day to say the least. After work I headed to lunch with my dad, step-mom and the boys and from there to Ann Arbor to see my grandma at St.Joe's. Her open heart surgery is tomorrow at 6 am and I'm worried. This is a long recovery for her and she is very weak. My head is foggy, everyone around me is having problems and its taking a toll on me.

I don't have many words today, don't really know where to start or end. Things are going on with my dad that I'm not happy about and I feel like I have no voice. I don't understand and I know all to well how this feels. I know some times we aren't meant to understand but when it involves someone I love I feel the need to understand.

I'm confused and foggy, sad and thoughtful, strong and weak, tired and energetic. I am me but I am not. Where do I go from here?

1 comment:

One of the Bunch said...

Chin up, my friend. Prayers will continue to go up for those loved ones of yours that are needing them. I'll keep Grandma in my thoughts as well as she faces a difficult recovery! Know that I am here, anytime. My shoulder is yours to cry on. My arms are yours to help you steady yourself. My friendship is yours forever and ever. I love you! -Bec