Tuesday, March 11, 2008

My New Fav Website

As I was reading Babycenter I stumbled upon this website and I fell in love with the min. I opened it up. As mothers we all or the vast majority of us know that pregnancy reeks havoc on our poor unsuspecting bodies by the end of 9 months and leaves us with a daily reminder of that once precious, innocent, beautiful child that is now screaming down the hall, while throwing food at his/her siblings that we once carried. I have the tell tale stretch marks though I must say they aren't as bad as some and really don't bother me the "shelf" that was left after the c-section does. This site has it all, with no shame what so ever. They actually make you feel as though your totally unrecognizable tummy is something of a wonderful and your soooo not alone like the celebrities make you feel.

Check it out, I adore it.


1 comment:

Zoe said...

maybe i should send my fat pics there...