Sunday, March 9, 2008

The Very Hungry Caterpiller


I seem to have one....err two of these but one is VERY unexpected. Andre eats nonstop now and I'm not really sure where this came from. This is the same kid who when in infant hood ate every 4 hrs and only off one boob. He ate nothing more and nothing less. Also the same kid we had to force feed from ages 1-21/2. Now the days are different. I'm proud to say though that since we are all eating better we now have fruit sitting out that is always available and that is what he snacks on hourly. Not to mention that we do eat meals. 3 full meals and lots of fruit. I hope I'm helping him and not hindering him by allowing the fruit all the time but its better then junk.......right?

Kaleb has ate like this since well he came into this world so I'm not so worried about him other then the fact of him being over weight.

Can you go wrong with fruits and veggies?

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