Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Thought Of You Today

It's amazing how the years have passed and yet you are often on my mind. It's been 8 years and even though 60 more may come I'll never forget you, and that wonderful time we shared. I wonder though in 60 years will I think of you the same? I miss the times we shared, you were good to me and I blame myself for the way things turned out. Though we have talked and you blame yourself(and really you should) I can't help but think "what if".

You hurt me in the worst way it seems and yet you loved me in the best way. You are my past, that will never change. Certain things that are part of every day life will bring your memory up and though it was one of the best times of my life it also brings back one of the hardest times of my life and growing process. Now that I say that and see it that's exactly what it was "a growing process".

You will always have a place with me as I've been told I will always have a place with you. I'm not sure if I really wish things would have been different, if they had I wouldn't have learned the lesson I did nor would I have the life I have now which I love. I'm sure there will be more days where I think of you, there always are but for some reason today it hit me hard or harder then usual.

Thank you, thank you for everything.

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